May 17, 2022

Dimaagi Sehat; Maansik Svaasthy - Mental Health In South Asians Miniseries - Part 1


We kick off May - Mental Health Month by starting the conversation on mental health in the south asian community with special guest Jahanara Chugtai, a trauma informed therapist based out of Lahore, Pakistan.

This blog post will serve as a reference page for episode 4: in conversation with Jahanara Chugtai who can be found HERE

The ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences Score) was mentioned as a way to gauge your own childhood trauma. The original study can be found here: Adverse Childhood Experiences Score - Kaiser Permanente Original Study

A more modern ACE's questionnaire can be found HERE

Jahanara mentioned a book that is considered a trauma masterpiece: The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D.

Geet mentioned a TEDx video by Guy Winch: Emotional First Aid by Guy Winch

If you're looking for a south asian therapist, this is a great place to start: South Asian Therapists (focuses mostly on therapists in the UK, USA and Canada)

If you're interested in mental health statistics or information these are some good articles to look at: Juggernaut - South Asians in Therapy and this NIH study: Mental Health and Stress among South Asians