June 17, 2022

Episode 7 - Uvalde and School Violence in America

Episode 7 - Uvalde and School Violence in America
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Episode 7 - Uvalde and School Violence in America

There have been 948 #schoolshootings since Sandy Hook.  - 119 school shootings since 2018.  - 27 school shootings this year alone. 2 of which happened AFTER Uvalde. - 300,000 children have either been injured/died as a result of...

There have been 948 #schoolshootings since Sandy Hook. 

- 119 school shootings since 2018. 

- 27 school shootings this year alone. 2 of which happened AFTER Uvalde.

- 300,000 children have either been injured/died as a result of #gunviolence. 

We need #guncontrol not more #thoughtsandprayers 


#Brownchildren are oftentimes the targets of #schoolviolence in the form of #harassment #namecalling #isolation #assault 


- Over 54% of #asianamerican youth reported experiencing #bullying, the highest of any group studied. 

- Over 67% of #Sikh youth have experienced bullying.

- Over 51% of #Muslim families reported that their child had been bullied.


 #Youthviolence is a real problem in America and it is PREVENTABLE. We need #bullyingawareness & guncontrol. 


#brownparents need to accept, listen, validate and fight their childrens’ stories of #racisminamerica . A collective voice is important. 


#auratenpodcast #southasiandiaspora #beingbrown #pakistanipodcast #indianpodcast #indopak #indianamerican #pakistaniamerican #brownculture

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